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Promoting Peace and Prosperity among All People. It is not a fairy tale.

Education should strive to promote first peace and understanding among all people, foresting a culture of permanent social learning while assuring us that we could achieve any goal as long as we “are fair, respectful, work hard, take advantage of an opportunity, and never give up in believing that our well-being depends on the well-being of others.”

The coronavirus pandemic unfortunately stripped millions of their health insurance, a stretch in which more adults became uninsured because of job losses than have ever lost coverage.

In this picture, there’s no bogeyman — it’s us.

Unless we change behavior, we can get all the growth for decades we wanted, we can get all the stock market records we ever wanted, and it’s not going to make a difference.

It is not enough to be good in an area to excel. One needs to be attentive to the world, be humble enough to watch what's going on around.

We need to remember that if the utility is zero for each individual member of our community, the total utility for that community cannot be other than zero. This means that for no union, be it a small community or a big political one, neither the executive nor the legislative body and even less the deciding majority in the latter, are in reality … what the ruling theory tells us they should be. They are not pure organs of the community with no thought other than to promote the commonweal.

Nevertheless, there is a social value to be protected for all and lots of reason to argue that members of the representative body are, in the overwhelming majority of cases, precisely as interested in the general welfare as are their constituents, neither more nor less.

We should not be afraid to realize we maybe have been wrong to correct it all the time if and when necessary. We have to be a strategist too.

Finally, we have to be lucky, but luck, I consider it a skill. Luck owes nothing to chance. It is being prepared through the wisdom in art and literature that generations have accumulated!

I, even as a man, personally was not so lucky before I was today. For many young women, especially in developing countries today, we can send a warm message that they can and must take their own chances for a better future. For all others, who are already lucky, well, we can learn why and how to efficiently help.

Things are evolving, yet slowly. But our population keeps growing regardless of this speed and a mindset change to see larger benefits are available other than smaller material results will be soon one day as popular as stock market news. 12 years after the release of this video, and much longer than the publication of the ideas in it, today it is as newsworthy as it was back then.

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