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Uniting Efforts to restore Human relations with Nature

We can do more and better to ensure the protection of Nature's gifts that keeps giving us so much.

The degradation and loss of forests and biodiversity is a contributing factor to disrupting nature’s balance and increasing risks of human epidemic diseases in general.

The evidence is clear that the main driver of deforestation is agriculture expansion.

To turn the tide, we need to innovate and implement sustainable agricultural practices that leverage nature-based solutions and protect biodiversity. We also need to put in place integrated landscape approaches. Forests can be conserved and managed in ways that create jobs, reclaim ecosystems and improve habitats for people and nature alike.

Some progress is constantly being measured now thanks to UNFCCC.

The assessments of the 59 countries’ climate reports were conducted virtually during the first half of 2020 by some 200 technical experts from 85 countries and mark the highest number of assessments since 2014. This level of engagement is clear testimony to the fact that countries are stepping up their transparency efforts.

The UNFCCC transparency processes provide valuable opportunities for countries to interact with climate change experts to improve the clarity and completeness of reporting and to identify areas for improvements.

The results of this process enable countries to further guide actions and target support, which is vital for maintaining momentum for action on climate change.

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